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The Human Scale of Colorado Mesa University


为CMU学生提供人性化的服务至关重要. 这一信念是pp电子极速糖果使命的核心. Our team knows meaningful relationships between people, and strong partnerships between organizations, allow campus to grow in the right way, operate in the right way and serve people in the right way. CMU is a Human Scale University.

My great-grandfather, Willis Ray Hemphill, knew that by scaling down a complex idea to something attainable, he could benefit not only a household but an entire community. He traveled throughout central Ohio during the early 20th 为美国农民设计和建造手工谷仓. In order to reflect his vision for the barn, 他按照自己的谷仓设计建造了一个两英尺高的完美比例模型.  这个创新的模型展示了一种新型谷仓如何更好地支持家庭农场的基本运作. 这让农民们得以一窥威利斯所设想的未来.

I use one of his century-old, 我办公室里的比例模型谷仓让我想起了我们努力创建的大学. 这个微型谷仓模型是一个过去时代的预兆,也是我帮助建立一个更美好未来的动力. 我的曾祖父就是用这种模式来实现他的社区愿景的, which in turn helped feed a growing country. 我为CMU服务的一部分是维持一所大学,为我们的社区和国家的公民能力提供食物和营养. 我们的世界急需文明、关系、信任和合作. 当CMU以人类的尺度运作时,我们就变成了一个我们想要看到的国家的缩放模型. 一个尊重意见多样性的国家,一个不仅重视而且实践言论的国家. A place where because of humility and grit, we prosper. 在CMU,我们为学生播下知识的种子,鼓励他们成长和学习, understanding, tolerance, adaptability and the expansion of knowledge.

当新学生来到校园,他们做的第一件事往往是找一张校园地图. Maps are often thought of as a tool to help establish direction. They help us understand the world in which we live. 一个低分辨率的地图,通过设计,使生命缺乏细微差别,去除不必要的细节. 大尺度、低分辨率的地图使山脉和鼹鼠丘看起来一样. 连锁店和本地商家是无法区分的. Small towns look no different than sprawling cities. 只有当我们放大时,地图才能以人类的尺度呈现出生命的意义. Zooming in teases out the meaningful nuances of life. 一张有适当焦点和比例的地图可以区分无定形的风景和我们称之为家的地方. Zoom too close — we lose perspective. 放大得太远,就失去了赋予经验意义的联系. The place in between is the human scale. 在地图上,视角、方向和意义都能同时被看到的地方. This is CMU. This is human scale. This is where we operate.

CMU is a living example of this essential balance. Human scale is found and sustained on campus in numerous ways. 学术空间允许学科的多样性和亲密的教育体验. CMU的平均班级规模为25人,教授与学生的平均比例为1:20. Most importantly, faculty teach their own classes. 他们知道学生的名字,学生也知道他们的名字.

校园足够大,可以提供丰富多样的体验,但仍然适合步行. CMU仍然是一个社区存在的地方,一个有归属感的地方,一个称之为家的地方. 学生们发现,宿舍位于校园周围,每个生活空间集群都允许在更大的校园文化中创建小社区. 医疗保健和stem相关的学习设施为未来的工作提供培训. 艺术和人文课程在帮助我们理解我们来自哪里时至关重要, where we are going and why.

校园设施很多,学生很容易就能到达. 其中许多资源包括校内和校外的合作伙伴关系. The Hotel Maverick, the Maverick Innovation Center, CMU Athletics, the Workforce Center, the Unconventional Energy Center, The Eureka Math and Science Center, The Ruth Hutchins Water Center, the Little Mavericks Learning Center, 蒙福特家族人类表演实验室和莫斯表演艺术中心只是使CMU在人类尺度上发挥作用的几个例子. 西科罗拉多社区学院是一个动手学习的地方, practical training and community connection happen every day.

At CMU, staff take the time to get to know students. Our team is committed to serving. They have dedicated their lives to making sure first-generation, low-income, 农村和少数民族学生知道他们有发言权. It’s a calling, not just a profession.

CMU的人类尺度并不认为小比大好,或者大本质上是坏的. We believe if an organization is built on people, partnerships and relationship-oriented values, then optimal scale will be reached organically. 达到并维持这种运营维度,可以让CMU摆脱“做大”的传统文化,,并使我们能够在人类规模的组织价值观指导下,不断评估和重新评估(甚至重塑)自己.

当我第一次得知我被CMU董事会选为pp电子极速糖果的下一任校长时, I was walking across campus near the CMU Center for Reflection. 我情绪激动,停在那里,思考未来. I thought of family who’ve come before me, 就像我的曾祖父和他思考规模重要性的能力. He helped, in a small way, to feed a nation. 就在一个世纪前,他放大视野,精心设计了一个愿景,让家庭农场蓬勃发展. He helped nourish a nation by producing sustenance for people. I carry a small part of his legacy. 作为总统,我希望自己能尽一点微薄之力,为这个需要有思想、有担当的未来领导人的世界提供公民营养. 我的贡献将是确保CMU的运营规模能够加强关系, people healthy and learning robust. This scale I strive towards is a human one.




Written by John Marshall